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of Split Lap Timer. Details
Our free Split Lap Timers can record time splits / time intervals, while counting, with or without sound, and in different display colors, sizes and fonts.
These Split Lap Timers have our highest level of accuracy, checking every second, and automatically adjusting when your pc / tablet / phone is overloaded.
To use these timers, you need JavaScript and Cookies enabled in your browser. Most browsers have these already enabled.
Split Lap Timer Features
Split Lap Timer Controls
There are three timer control buttons. These buttons can also be triggered using keyboard keys. See Keyboard Controls in Settings section below.
Start / Stop Button -- Starts and stops timer. Shows Start when timer is stopped, Stop when timer is running. Timer counts from where it last stopped, so you can stop and start the timer multiple times. Timer will stop at 99:59:59 if it ever gets there.
Split Button -- Records a time point. If the timer just stopped, and you click the Split button, the time point when the timer was stopped will be recorded. You can achieve faster splits using the keyboard versus the mouse. See Keyboard Controls, in Settings section below.
Reset Button -- Resets the timer to zero, the 'start time'.
Time Data
The time data field shows your time splits. Each click of the Split button or the split keyboard key generates a time data record. You can edit the time data, and you can select, copy and paste the data into other programs. Keyboard Controls are disabled when typing in the time data area. To enable again, click outside the time data area.
The Reset button normally appends a new time data series to the end of the time data. The Clear on Reset option will cause all the time data to be cleared out each time you reset the timer.
The Clear link above the text area, only clears the time data area and sets the split count to zero. It does not reset the timer.
The Show radio buttons lets you see the time data in an expanded or truncated form. The time data is not rounded. If you select a different radio button after editing the time data, the time data will be re-displayed in the new format, and any edits you have made to the time data will be cleared out. The Time Format radio buttons let you select between 1:35 (hours, minutes, seconds) or 95 (just seconds) for displaying the time values.
The time data is not stored. Refreshing
the timer page, or closing your browser, will clear out all of your time data.
Split Lap Timer settings can be viewed and changed by clicking the Settings link to the right of the Start / Stop button. All setting changes take effect immediately, and you can change the settings while the split lap timer is running.
Setting changes are automatically saved when you
change then using browser cookies.
The Default Settings link, resets the settings to the default state.
Clear on Reset | Have timer automatically clear the Time Data when timer is reset. If this is off, then timer reset will let you
see multiple timer sessions, one after the other. |
Start on Reset |
Have timer automatically start once the Reset button or reset keyboard key is clicked. |
Start Stop |
Keyboard key used to start/stop timer. Use ASCII value from 1 to 126 (see ASCII Chart). Use 0 for no keyboard start/stop control. Default
is 49, the 1 key. |
Split | Keyboard key used to record time split. Use ASCII value
from 1 to 126 (see ASCII Chart). Use 0 for no keyboard split control. Default is 50, the 2 key. |
Reset | Keyboard key used to reset timer. Use ASCII value
from 1 to 126 (see ASCII Chart). Use 0 for no keyboard Reset control. Default is 51, the 3 key. |
Show Keys | Shows the 'start stop', 'split' and 'reset' keyboard
key values above the timer buttons. If using non-printable keyboard keys, they are shown as a number or as text, for example space for Space Bar, escape for Escape Key. |
NOTES: | The Keyboard Controls are disabled when the timer's Settings are visible. Hide the Settings to turn the Keyboard Controls
on again. |
Width | Sets minimum number of digits that timer will display. Settings are... |
Bold | Bold timer text. |
Drop Shadow | Drop Shadow timer text. Does not work in Internet Explorer
browser. |
Color | Sets timer text color. |
Size | Sets timer text size. |
Font | Sets timer text font. |
Title | Sets the timer's title. If blank, no title is shown. Press
Enter key, or click your mouse outside of the Title field, to update timer with the new title entered. |
No Tag | Turn on/off tagline text under timer title. |
Sound | Sets a sound (review
all sounds) that plays each time the split lap timer buttons are clicked, or when a keyboard key to control the timer is pressed. |
Try | Stop | Try link lets you hear sound. Stop link stops sound. |
* No browser plug-in is needed to hear sounds in HTML5 browsers (Firefox, Chrome, Safari), or in any version of Internet Explorer. |
Our Split Lap Timers have our highest level of accuracy. Each second, the timer checks and makes adjustments as needed. But with that said, the accuracy of each computer's internal clock will affect the accuracy of the timer.
Most device internal clocks are relatively accurate, but they can drift a few seconds a day, and we have no control over this. It is up to you ascertain the accuracy of your computer's internal clock and our timer on your PC / tablet / phone. In the event your device internal clock is accurate to your satisfaction, we still do not guarantee that any of our timers will be accurate, or that our code is bug free or virus free.
Additional Help / Suggestions
Our Split Lap Timers are provided as a free online service. If you have a question or suggestion, email us at .